Thursday, March 29, 2007

pandan cake

1.LR doesn't really like cupcakes or muffins. He prefers airy cakes like pandan cakes.
2.I spotted some un-used pandan leaves in my fridge.
3.Green is my favourite colour!

Any excuse to bake in my kitchen :)

In the midst of weighing, mixing and stirring, I couldn't find my pandan essence. It was an optional item on the recipe, but it did say that it would result in a very pale green colour(mine came out just yellow, as seen from above). I also killed my food processor. I was blending my pandan leaves with the tool and it suddenly 'smoked' and died. Thank God it managed to cough up 2 pathetic tsp of pandan juice. Honestly in the end, the pandan in the cake was almost non-existent. I, in fact made a butter sponge cake.

P/S: My pandan essence was found in my mom's place. We did grocery shopping together and it was left in her bags.

It had an almost 'juicy' but not wet bite to the cake. Somehow, it was still air-y and light. I liked it alot. Most pandan cakes that are sold commercially tend to be very dry. So I was pleasantly surprised by the contrast.

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