Thursday, April 05, 2007

hot cross buns


I spent 11 years of my schooling days in an all-girls catholic mission school so subconciously, I've always known at the back of my mind that these buns were eaten sometime during Good Friday and Easter. Then, being young and greedy of course, I was only interested in the eating! Almost 10 years on, am still greedy, but thankfully, I've matured to baking and more importantly, made the choice to follow Jesus.

I spent a good 2 weeks sourcing for the 'best' recipe and those two weeks were also spent reflecting on the significance of the history of these buns.

According to wikipedia, these buns are eaten on Good friday with the cross standing as a symbol of the cruxifiction.

What does the cruxifiction mean to me?

1. I am a precious child of God that is so deeply loved. I ball my eyes out each time I watch The Passion of Christ. I simply cannot fathom how much He was willing to suffer for me!
2.I am a sinner. I needed and will always need the cross to remind me to repent and ask for His forgiveness because I have fallen short.
3.I have a purpose and mission in life. My purpose is to glorify Him and because of that, my mission is to lead a life that would be an example of Christ and to go to the ends of the earth with His gospel to make Him known widely and deeply to the nations.

The very first bread I made that rose. Thank God for that because He reminded me that while He was cruxified on Good Friday, He rose again on the third day, Easter day!

Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8

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