Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Medley of CNY goodies

I'm not young anymore, and I have to admit that I would eventually become an 'auntie'...Sigh. Yes, so a huge part of adopting that title, is to participate in the annual frenzy of Chinese New Year (CNY) by baking pineapple tarts, giving out ang pows and marketing for food early to avoid the ridiculous price increase of fresh produce etc. To prepare myself for 'auntie-hood', I should and MUST master the art of tackling CNY. My medley of CNY goodies included Chocolate Chip cookies( from She bakes and she cooks), pineapple tarts( from another blogger, but forgot whom) and finally Mars cornflakes( Nigella's FEAST book).

The Mars cornflakes were a huge hit with everyone and it was so easy to make. But making them really tested my speed in the kitchen. I had to spoon all the goo-ey cornflakes into the individual paper mouldings fast before it hardens up. These fabulous goodies had the most fantastic combination of chewy-ness and crunchy-ness. I would definitely be making these again.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the easiest/fastest to make and 10 being insanely difficult/longest to make. Pineapple tarts registers with a score of 1 million!!! I am not joking! These goodies are just pure madness to craft. Making the homemade pineapple jam, requires leg and arm strength of an army. I am already exhausted recalling the hardwork in the kitchen to come up with them. Possibly the journey for pineapple tarts has ended in year 2007. I will gladly disqualify myself from 'auntie-hood' if making pineapple tarts is a major criterion.
Ok, moving on to the cookies. They came out rock hard!! Gosh..I don't know what happened! But I was just too tired to care after the pineapple tarts! Haha....

CNY or auntie-hood.... I am just not ready for it.

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