Thursday, January 18, 2007

stuff baked onions


I asked myself the same question as to why I want to make this dish when I totally detest onions! The thing is, I do use them quite extensively in my cooking, but I would only eat the the onions when are out of sight or cooked so long that they have become almost transparent and have already lost their taste. I know... the taste was just transfered into the dish right? I don't know, that's just me and onions. Yeah, it's a complicated relationship. I would definitely call it a love-hate relationship with onions. But anyway back to the dish..I made it because simply because LR loves onions and so does his mom. I was really happy that I could actually get excited making it because it just shows that my love for cooking is greater than eating. That revelation was important as if cooking is a huge part of my life, it should be align to my values. I believe in a community and we don't exist just for ourselves. And cooking doesn't just involve me! It includes the people I'm cooking for as well. If the focus was just eating, it would be too much of a self activity and where's the joy there?


I had to rely on LR on the taste and he loved it! Of course it's onions, bacon and cheese. We can't really go wrong with that combo :)


It looks like such a simply dish but it was tough to prepare. After boiling the onions, I had to remove the centre to stuff them with cheese and onions. However, the onions were quite soft and perhaps my knife wasn't sharp enough, but it was madness trying to remove the centre without yanking out the core of the onion to leave a hole at the bottom! I had 4 onions and it took me 10mins on each one! Wonder if I could remove the centre before boiling them? Oh the other thing was, I was too generous with my cheese and it looked like onion gratin.

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