Friday, March 20, 2009

black forest cake

This is LR's favorite cake and somehow I just never got around trying this recipe. So I invited SW over to experiment with me. She had a Western recipe(probably yielding a denser cake), but as for me I was searching through blogs to find an Asian recipe that would yield a chiffon type texture sponge. I finally decided on using the recipe from Lil's Wai Sek Hong's blog.


YES! Goodness, I took so much care to seperate my egg yolks from the white, cleaned the mixing bowl very thoroughly, made sure all my ingredients were at room temperate etc... I read all the comments of bakers who failed in their chiffon cake and made sure I would not go down the same path!
But, I still ended up with a cake that barely rose and cracked in the centre with a little 'mountain' that really resembled a volcano :( What went wrong! So because of the failure of my chiffon cake, I could only slice what I had into 2.
Then, SW suggested we try her recipe, and even though I was tired and disappointed, I gave in because she was so convinced hers works! But I hate to say this, her recipe was worse! The cake came out with a rubber texture, but that made me feel much better about my failure! Haha....

2 thoughts though:

1) I'm not perfect no matter how hard I try

2) Comparison can make you feel lousy or give you a false sense of pride, so why

Layering my BFC and decorating with the shaved dark chocolate cake was my only saving grace :)

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