Thursday, April 24, 2008

yam rice
Just last week, I was hit with this unexplainable push of wanting to be more intentional in juggling work and home responsibilities has somehow inspired me to want to start preparing cheap, quick and of course delicious meals at home. I don't know, perhaps this could be a sign of my biological clock ticking? Somehow I always liken mothers to being SUPERwomen. How they need to juggle work, family and kitchen still boggles me. Can I ever be a SUPERwomen? Everyday when I get home from work, I simply can't see myself doing any housework or cooking after a long tiring day even though I really enjoy being in the kitchen! So perhaps this concern has prompted me to start with small? I don't have kids right now... so maybe I need to start with managing work and kitchen and somehow slowly I can see myself progressing to managing children as well. Sounds so tough! No wonder in Singapore, it's so easy for families to succumb to employing help. Wow... What a rant! Haha... ok, so back to yam rice. Totally fits the criteria of cheap, quick and delicious!

This took about half an hour to prepare and cook, although I had to soak some of the ingredients in the morning before I left the house. So quick it is! Cheap? I probably spent about $8 to prepare a 4 person portion. So yeah it's cheap too! Delicious? Good enough for me and LR!

Nothing to complain about! So here's the recipe...

Yam Rice (serves 4 person)

500g yam, diced in 2 inch cubes
100g dried shrimp, soaked in warm water and drained
100g dried scallops, soaked in warm water and drained
8 dried mushrooms, soaked in warm water, sliced and drained
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 small shallots, finely sliced
2 tsp pepper
2 tsp sesame oil
2 cups of rice, washed and drained
4 cups of chicken stock
2 tbsp dark soya sauce

Serve with
small bunch of corriander
sweet dark sauce

1. Heat up 2 tbsp of vegetable oil
2. Fry the garlic and shallots till fragrant
3. Add the yam and fry till slightly browned
4. Add in the shrimps, scallops and mushroom and fry till fragrant
5. Add sesame oil and pepper
6. Add in the rice and fry for 10min
7. Dish everything into a rice cooker
8. Add in 4 cups of chicken stock and cook accordingly to the rice cooker
9. When cooked, season with dark soy sauce and serve with corriander and sweet dark sauce

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